Airaj F. Fasiuddin, MD

Airaj Fasiuddin, MD

Airaj Fasiuddin, MD

Airaj F. Fasiuddin, MD

Years of Experience

8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr
Fairfax, VA 22031


About Airaj F. Fasiuddin, MD

Dr. Airaj Fasiuddin is a specialty care physician board certified in ophthalmology. She joined Inova in 2024 and has been practicing since 2007.

Dr. Fasiuddin has a background in academic pediatric ophthalmology with special interests in uveitis, retinopathy of prematurity, cataract, amblyopia and strabismus. She enjoys connecting with children, ensuring they feel comfortable and safe during their eye exams. Her care philosophy includes educating families to create a partnership that ensures the best visual outcomes for their children. She believes in early detection, focused care plans and remaining accessible to her patients. She has over 15 years of experience in specialized, comprehensive eye care for children.

Dr Fasiuddin joined Inova to create a new ophthalmology service line for the hospital. She is dedicated to a multi-disciplinary approach with Inova colleagues for complex conditions. Her vision includes expanding services for children in the community, ensuring that every child has access to specialized attention for their eye care needs.

PubMed Publications


  • American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
  • American Academy of Ophthalmology


Medical School
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Pennsylvania Hospital
Training Specialty: Internal Medicine
6/18/2003 - 6/17/2004
New York Medical College
Training Specialty: Ophthalmology
7/1/2004 - 6/30/2007
University of Pennsylvania
Training Specialty: Pediatric Ophthalmology
7/01/2007 - 6/30/2008

Patient Reviews

About Patient Comments

The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to physician related questions on our nationally-recognized Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Comments are gathered from our Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.