General Information

  • Accreditation Status: ASHP accredited program
  • Duration: 52 weeks PGY1 and 52 weeks PGY2 for a total of 24 months
  • Number of Positions: 1
  • Starting Date: Early July
  • Interview Required: Yes

System Medication Safety Officer
Laura Monroe-Duprey, BS Pharm, PharmD

Chief Pharmacy Officer
Melanie Massiah-White

Application Requirements

  • Doctor of Pharmacy degree or equivalent from an ACPE accredited School of Pharmacy
  • Must be able to obtain pharmacist licensure in the state of Virginia
  • Letter of Intent and Curriculum Vitae
  • Official transcripts from an accredited School of Pharmacy
  • Submission of three letters of recommendation

* Requirements submitted through participation in PhORCAS system starting 2021

Visit the PhORCAS website


Required Rotations


Advanced Electives

5 weeks duration (select 1)

Longitudinal Experiences

Residency year

  • Hospital Quality, Safety and Policies
  • Formulary Management
  • Leadership
  • Drug information


  • Medication Safety in Oncology
  • Medication Safety in Antimicrobial Stewardship
  • Medication Safety in Ambulatory setting
  • Medication Safety year long experience in system medication performance improvement initiatives and safety event reviews/ discoveries
  • Reports & Analytics year long experience in reporting and analytics from a system data standpoint across all disciplines
  • Medication Information Systems year long experience working with an expert in Epic Willow or in Pharmacy IT systems to understand where technology meets medication safety challenges

Publishing 2 of the following:

  • 1 case report submission for publication to an appropriate peer reviewed journal
  • 1 manuscript related to a research project submission for publication to an appropriate peer reviewed journal
  • 1 review article on a medication or medication pharmaceutical class submitted for publication to an appropriate peer reviewed journal


  • Continuing Education (CE) 1 hour lecture for any of the following groups: Allied Health Care, Nursing or Physicians
  • Mentorship of PGY1 resident Continuing Education (CE) 1 hour
  • Primary preceptor minimum of 1 APPE student
  • Committee participation

Medication Use Research Completion of a formulary class review AND 3 of the following:

(1) Completion of a minimum of one (1) MUE

(2) Acceptance of a Poster or presentation at ASHP Mid-year meeting

(3) Acceptance of and participation in one of the following:

  • Poster at a National Medication Safety Conference
  • Presentation at a National or State Medication Safety Related Conference or MSOS monthly meeting

(4) One research project submitted as an IRB Protocol to an IRB


Residency Locations