What to expect

Breast cancer treatment varies depending on the stage and location of the cancer. Surgery is the primary treatment for localized breast cancer. This is often followed by radiation therapy to decrease the risk of cancer returning in the breast, chest wall and/or lymph nodes. Medical therapies, including chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy, are often recommended to improve the chance of cure or prevent a new breast cancer from developing.

Support Groups

Join other patients, survivors, family members and friends to discuss the challenges of living with breast cancer and its treatments. Specific topics change throughout each support group meeting.

Note: All in-person support groups are virtual until further notice.

  • Breast cancer navigation class
  • Breast cancer rehabilitation program (a six-week series)
  • Breast cancer support group
  • Breast cancer symposium
  • Breast surgery pre-op class
  • Coalesce Group (an advanced breast cancer support group)
  • Weight management after breast cancer support group
  • Women's survivorship group
  • Young women with breast cancer group

Cancer Patient Resources