Holiday Hours

With the exception of Inova hospitals, Inova Emergency Care and Inova-GoHealth Urgent Care, all Inova outpatient offices will be closed for the Independence Day holiday – Thursday, July 4.


Most individuals with bladder cancer have superficial and non-invasive tumors. Treatment for these tumors is often very effective with an excellent prognosis.

The remainder of bladder cancers invade deep into the bladder wall and muscle and the risk is greater for the cancer to spread to other areas of the body. Depending on the type of bladder cancer, treatment may include a cystectomy, or bladder removal, through robotic assisted surgery.

A cystectomy is the removal of all or part of the bladder and possibly the removal of nearby lymph nodes and organs that may contain cancer. If the bladder is removed, the surgeon creates a new way or path for urine to be stored and to leave the body.

Cystectomy is traditionally performed as an open surgery and requires a large abdominal incision. Another approach, conventional laparoscopy, is less invasive but due to the surgical instruments used can limit the surgeon's dexterity, field of vision and control compared to open surgery.

Robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery is the most recent surgical technique for cystectomy.  Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system provides your doctor with enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision. Surgery is performed through a few tiny incisions and avoids the need for a large incision and extended recovery.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Less occurrence of major complications
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Quicker recovery of bowel function

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Cervical cancer results from a mutation in the cellular lining of the cervix which spreads via mitosis to normal tissues and organs. Left undetected or untreated, this abnormal cell division leads to the growth of tumors and the cancer will spread. When medication and non-invasive procedures are unable to relieve symptoms, surgery is the most accepted and effective treatment for cervical cancer.

Hysterectomy is often recommended to treat cervical cancer. Until recently, surgery for most gynecological conditions was performed using a large abdominal incision. Fortunately, minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery overcomes many of the limitations of traditional open surgery.

Inova's state-of-the-art robotic-assisted da Vinci® surgical system allows your doctor to perform a minimally invasive surgery through a few tiny incisions, providing enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision.

Benefits of a robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Less pain
  • Fewer complications
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Low risk of wound infection
  • Quicker recovery and return to normal activities

Talk to your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our robotic-assisted surgical specialists.

Our Team

Each physician who performs robotic-assisted surgery at an Inova hospital has received special training and is highly experienced in using this innovative technology.

Surgeons who perform robotic surgery for cervical cancer include:


Colon cancer occurs when abnormal cells form in the inner layers of tissue making up the wall of the colon. The cancer can grow through some or all of the other layers.

The treatment choices for colon cancer depend on the location of the tumor and the stage of the disease and may include surgery. 

Minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery is one option for a right, left or sigmoid colectomy. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system allows your doctor to perform surgery through a few small incisions and provides your doctor with enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Excellent clinical outcomes for cancer control
  • Quick return to bowel function
  • Fast return to diet
  • Less blood loss
  • Short hospital stay
  • Faster recovery times

Talk to your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.

Our Team

Each physician who performs robotic surgery at an Inova hospital has received special training and is highly experienced in using this innovative technology.

Surgeons who perform robotic surgery for colon cancer include:


If your physician has recommended a colectomy, which is surgery for colorectal conditions such as colon cancer, rectal cancer, diverticulitis or inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease), ask if you are a candidate for minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system allows your doctor to perform a precise surgery through a few small incisions. The equipment enhances the surgeon's vision, dexterity, control and precision.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Better clinical outcomes for cancer control in many cases
  • Quicker return to bowel function
  • Quicker return to a normal diet
  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Shorter recovery time

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.

Our Team

Each physician who performs robotic surgery at an Inova hospital has received special training and is highly experienced in using this innovative technology.

Surgeons who perform robotic-assisted colectomy include:


Bypass surgery is typically recommended when medication, lifestyle changes and other treatments are unable to relieve your symptoms or risk of a heart attack due to coronary artery disease (CAD). The surgery can provide an effective, definitive and long-term solution for CAD.

At Inova, bypass surgery can be performed as a minimally invasive, robotic-assisted procedure. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system allows your doctor to perform the surgery through a few tiny incisions made between the ribs. The surgical instrumentation provides enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision.

Robotic-assisted surgery avoids the need for a sternotomy, which is when your doctor makes a large incision, cuts through your breastbone and spreads your ribs to gain access to the heart. Robotic-assisted surgery also avoids the need for a heart-lung machine.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Less risk of infection
  • Less blood loss and need for blood transfusions
  • Short hospital stay
  • Significantly less pain and scarring
  • Faster recovery
  • Quicker return to normal activities

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.

There are many types of cystectomies, one of which is the removal of all or part of the bladder and possibly the removal of nearby lymph nodes and organs that may contain cancer.

If the bladder is removed, the surgeon creates a new way or path for urine to be stored and to leave the body.

Cystectomy is traditionally performed using an open approach and requires a large abdominal incision to access the bladder. Another approach, conventional laparoscopy, is less invasive and requires great dexterity on the part of the surgeon.

Robotic-assisted surgery is the newest surgical technique for cystectomy. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system allows your doctor to perform surgery through a few tiny incisions and provides enhanced vision, precision, dexterity and control. Robotic-assisted surgery is far superior to standard laparoscopic procedures or open surgery.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Less occurrence of major complications
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Quicker recovery of bowel function

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


If you have endometriosis, tissue normally located in the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. It can be found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel and possibly other places in the pelvic cavity. Sometimes it can even grow outside the pelvis.

If your doctor recommends surgery – either endometriosis resection or hysterectomy – you may be a candidate for robotic-assisted surgery.

Robotic-assisted endometrial resection allows your doctor to perform a thorough removal of deeply penetrated or widespread endometrial implants while preserving your uterus. Unlike conventional open and laparoscopic surgery, robotic-assisted surgery utilizes advanced computer and technological precision, preferred by some surgeons, with the goal of minimizing the return of your endometriosis. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system supplies enhanced vision and instrumentation that allows the surgeon to perform a precise operation through a few tiny incisions.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery for an endometrial resection over open surgery include:

  • Low blood loss
  • Low conversion rate to open surgery
  • Low rate of complications
  • Short hospital stay
  • Small incisions for minimal scarring

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery for a hysterectomy over open surgery include:

  • Less pain
  • Fewer complications
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Low risk of wound infection
  • Quicker recovery and return to normal activities

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Uterine fibroids often stop growing or may even shrink as a woman approaches menopause. Your doctor may suggest "watchful waiting" rather than more aggressive treatment and monitor your condition to ensure there are no significant changes and that the fibroids are not growing.

For women whose fibroids are large or are causing significant symptoms, surgical treatment may be necessary. Treatment for fibroids may include:

  • Hysterectomy – the surgical removal of the entire uterus. Fibroids remain the number one reason for hysterectomies in the United States.
  • Myomectomy – the surgical removal of the fibroids leaving the uterus intact for a future pregnancy

Robotic-assisted surgery can be an appropriate choice for either of these procedures and offers significant benefits over a traditional open surgery involving a large incision and extended recovery. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system allows your doctor to perform surgery through a few tiny incisions and provides enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Less pain
  • Fewer complications
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Low risk of infection
  • Quicker recovery and return to normal activities

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Gastric bypass is a type of bariatric or weight loss surgery often recommended to obese people whose excess weight is causing serious health problems. Bariatric surgery may also be appropriate for individuals who have been unable to lose weight using non-surgical methods.

The goal of bariatric surgery is to reduce the body's ability to absorb and store calories. Mounting evidence shows bariatric surgery may be one of the most effective treatments for obesity and its related diseases.

Gastric bypass permanently reduces stomach size and reroutes the digestive tract. During this procedure, your surgeon divides your stomach to create a new, smaller stomach. The new stomach is connected to the small intestine and bypasses the larger part of your original stomach. Your new stomach is now much smaller and holds a smaller amount of food than previously.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system is a tool that allows your doctor to perform a gastric bypass through a few small incisions. The surgical instrumentation also provides enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Fewer complications
  • Less scarring
  • A shorter hospital stay
  • A faster return to normal daily activities

Minimally invasive surgery enables surgeons to operate on higher-BMI patients; the robotic platform, by providing surgeons with superior visualization and flexible instrumentation, can result in shorter procedures times and may offer reduced risk for serious complications.

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


A hysterectomy may be recommended to treat many uterine conditions such as:

  • Endometriosis
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Fibroid tumors
  • Pelvic prolapse
  • Cancer

In the U.S., doctors perform approximately 600,000 hysterectomies a year, making it the second most common surgery for women.

Until recently, surgery for most gynecological conditions was performed using a large abdominal incision. Fortunately, minimally invasive and robotic-assisted surgery treat gynecological conditions without the limitations of traditional open surgery. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system is a tool that allows your doctor to perform surgery through a few tiny incisions and supplies enhanced vision, control, dexterity and precision. 

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Less pain
  • Fewer complications
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Low risk of wound infection
  • Quicker recovery and return to normal activities

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Surgery is considered the primary treatment for most kidney cancers. A variety of surgical procedures are available depending on the type, size of tumor, extent of disease, and the patient’s overall physical condition.

Surgery options include radical nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy (kidney sparing).

Radical nephrectomy is the surgical removal of the entire kidney. Depending on your disease state and tumor location, you may not have to lose your entire kidney to surgery. A surgical technique called partial nephrectomy aims to remove only the diseased part of your kidney and spare the healthy, functioning kidney tissue.

Sparing kidney tissue is important because studies show that patients who have their entire kidney removed are more likely to suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) after surgery than patients who received a kidney-sparing partial nephrectomy. In fact, the American Urological Association states that partial nephrectomy is considered the treatment of choice for most T1 renal masses (small to medium-sized kidney tumors).

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system is a minimally invasive option for kidney surgery. The robotic platform assists surgeons by supplying enhanced vision and precision instruments, allowing a precise operation through tiny incisions.

Benefits of robotic assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Excellent clinical outcomes and cancer control
  • Short hospital stay
  • Low blood loss
  • Precise tumor removal and kidney reconstruction
  • Greater chance of preserving the kidney in certain cancer operations
  • Low rate of complications

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


After your doctor makes a diagnosis of lung cancer and determines the stage (extent) of the cancer, treatment options will be explored with the goal to destroy the cancer and prevent it from spreading.

Surgery is one of the options to treat the most common lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer. You may be a candidate for minimally invasive robotic surgery, which offers numerous benefits over a traditional open surgery.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system provides your doctor with enhanced vision, precision, dexterity and control. The surgery is performed through tiny incisions between the ribs, avoiding a large incision and the possibility of having the ribs spread.

Benefits of robotic assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Lower rate of complications
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Less pain
  • Faster return to normal life activities

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Menorrhagia, or excessive menstrual bleeding, can be treated with hormone therapy, surgery or a combination of both. Surgical procedures to treat excessive bleeding may include:

  • Endometrial resection – surgical removal of the uterine lining
  • Hysterectomy – surgical removal of the uterus. Depending upon your situation, your fallopian tubes, ovaries and any visible growths may be removed.

Robotic-assisted surgery is an excellent alternative to open surgery for patients who are candidates for a minimally invasive procedure. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system provides your doctor with enhanced vision, precision, dexterity and control. The surgery is performed through a few tiny incisions.

Benefits of robotic assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Low blood loss
  • Low conversion rate to open surgery
  • Low rate of complications
  • Short hospital stay
  • Small incisions for minimal scarring

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) occurs when one of your heart's valves doesn't work properly. One treatment option is a surgical procedure called mitral valve repair.

Robotic-assisted mitral valve repair is an alternative to conventional open heart surgery and mitral valve replacement. Robotic-assisted surgery can help your surgeon repair your existing valve rather than replace it. A valve repair can offer significant advantages over a mitral valve replacement, including: no need to take life-long blood thinners, decreased need for future valve surgery, reduced risk of surgical complications, a higher long-term survival rate and improved heart function.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system provides your doctor a minimally invasive option to perform a precise operation through a few tiny incisions with enhanced vision, dexterity and control.

In addition to avoiding the pain and trauma of sternotomy (cracking open the breastbone to access the heart) and rib spreading, benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Less risk of infection
  • Less blood loss and need for blood transfusions
  • Short hospital stay
  • Significantly less pain and scarring
  • Faster recovery
  • Quicker return to normal activities
  • Potentially better clinical outcome

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Robotic-assisted myomectomy is a new type of minimally invasive surgery that combines the best of open and laparoscopic surgeries.

With robotic-assisted surgery, surgeons can remove uterine fibroids through a small incision. Equally important, robotic-assisted surgery allows for the comprehensive and extremely precise reconstruction of the uterine wall regardless of the size or location of the fibroids.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system provides your doctor with enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision during both the fibroid removal and the reconstruction process. This thorough reconstruction can help to prevent a possible uterine rupture during a future pregnancy.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Opportunity for future pregnancy
  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Fewer complications
  • Less scarring
  • A shorter hospital stay
  • A faster hospital stay
  • A faster return to normal daily activities

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


A surgical technique called partial nephrectomy is performed to remove only the diseased part of your kidney and spare the healthy, functioning kidney tissue.

Sparing kidney tissue is important because studies show that patients who have their entire kidney removed are more likely to suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) after surgery than patients who received a kidney-sparing partial nephrectomy. The American Urological Association states that partial nephrectomy is considered the treatment of choice for most T1 renal masses (small to medium-sized kidney tumors).

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system provides a minimally invasive surgical option for partial nephrectomy. The tool allows your doctor to perform a precise operation through a few tiny incision and provides enhanced vision, dexterity and control.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Excellent clinical outcomes and cancer control
  • Short hospital stay
  • Low blood loss
  • Precise tumor removal and kidney reconstruction
  • Greater chance of preserving the kidney, in certain cancer operations
  • Low rate of operative complications

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


For many women, surgery may be the best treatment option to repair pelvic prolapse, including vaginal vault prolapse. Your doctor will perform a physical exam to determine the best way to completely repair the prolapse.

Pelvic prolapse surgery, known as sacrocolpopexy, utilizes surgical mesh to hold the affected pelvic organ(s) in the correct position. This procedure can also be performed after a hysterectomy to treat uterine prolapse and provides long-term support of the vagina.

Prolapse surgery has traditionally been performed as open surgery and requires a long incision across the lower abdomen. Prolapse surgery can also be performed minimally invasively with robotic-assisted surgery.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system allows your doctor to perform robotic surgery through a few tiny incisions, assisted by the enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision afforded by the da Vinci system. 

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Less blood loss
  • Minimal need for blood transfusions
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Much shorter operation than traditional laparoscopy
  • Small incisions for minimal scarring

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.

After a diagnosis is made and the stage (extent) of the cancer determined, your doctor will suggest treatment options. The goal of the treatment is to remove the cancer and prevent it from spreading. Robotic-assisted surgery is one of the available treatments for cancer of the larynx.

Minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery allows your doctor to operate through the mouth and avoid the large incision and side effects of open surgery.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system is a tool that assists surgeons by supplying enhanced vision and precision instruments. The surgeon performs a precise operation through a few tiny incisions using the dexterity and control afforded by the platform.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Excellent cancer control
  • Low rate of complications
  • No visible scarring or disfigurement
  • Low blood loss
  • Minimal need for tracheotomy (breathing tube)
  • Minimal need for chemoradiation therapy
  • Ability to swallow
  • Short hospital stay

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the prostate. Removal of the cancerous prostate gland and certain surrounding structures is known as a radical prostatectomy. Because the entire prostate gland is removed with radical prostatectomy, the major potential benefit of this procedure is a cancer cure in patients for whom the prostate cancer is truly localized.

Robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery has become the preferred treatment for removal of the prostate following early diagnosis of prostate cancer. With a robotic-assisted prostatectomy, the likelihood of a complete recovery from early stage prostate cancer without long-term side effects is, for most patients, better than ever.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system provides your doctor with enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision. The surgery is performed through a few tiny incisions and avoids the large incision and lengthier recovery associated with a traditional open surgery.

Inova has the longest-running da Vinci prostatectomy program in the Washington, DC, metro area. We continue to perform an increasing number of robotic-assisted procedures every year, and that means unparalleled experience and expertise at work for you.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Fewer complications
  • Less scarring
  • A shorter hospital stay
  • A faster return to normal daily activities

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.

Patient Testimonial

Read about how a robotic-assisted prostatectomy was the right treatment choice for Jim Moulton


Pyeloplasty is the surgical reconstruction or revision of the renal pelvis to drain and decompress the kidney. Most commonly it is performed to treat an ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction if residual function is adequate. The obstruction is removed and a larger conduit is created using the tissue of the remaining ureter and renal pelvis.

Pyeloplasty can be performed in children and adults with minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system provides your doctor with enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision. the surgery is performed through a few tiny incisions, avoiding the need for a large incision.

Benefits of robotic assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Fewer transfusions
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Less scarring
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Shorter recovery time
  • Better clinical outcomes, in many cases

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Rectal cancer is the development of cancerous cells in the lining of the rectum, which is the last several inches of the large intestine closest to the anus.

Treatment choices for rectal cancer depend on the location of the tumor and the extent of the disease. Surgery, including a robotic-assisted, minimally invasive procedure, is one treatment option. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system provides your doctor with enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision. The surgery is performed through a few tiny incisions and avoids the need for the large incision required of traditional open surgery.

Benefits of robotic assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Excellent clinical outcomes for cancer control
  • Quick return to bowel function
  • Fast return to diet
  • Less blood loss
  • Fast recovery times

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


For many women, surgery may be the best treatment option to repair pelvic prolapse, including vaginal vault prolapse. Pelvic prolapse surgery is known as sacrocolpopexy. Surgical mesh is used to hold the affected pelvic organ(s) in the correct position. This procedure can also be performed after a hysterectomy to treat uterine prolapse and provide long-term support of the vagina.

Prolapse surgery has traditionally been performed as open surgery and required a long horizontal incision across the lower abdomen. Today prolapse surgery can also be performed as a minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery. The surgery is performed through a few tiny incisions, overcoming the need for a large incision. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system provides your doctor with enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision.

Benefits of robotic assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Less blood loss
  • Minimal need for blood transfusions
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Much shorter operation than traditional laparoscopy
  • Small incisions for minimal scarring

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Thoracic surgery refers to surgery performed on organs and tissues in the chest cavity, such as the lungs or esophagus. When medication or other treatments are not effective in treating lung cancer and diseases of the esophagus, surgery may be recommended.

Minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery allows your surgeon to perform a precise operation with enhanced vision, dexterity and control. With Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system, your doctor makes tiny incisions between the ribs and avoids the need for a large incision through the chest wall or to cut open the breastbone so spread the ribs.

Benefits of robotic assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Lower rate of complications
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Less pain
  • Faster return to normal quality of life

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Cancer that occurs in the larynx and pharynx, which includes the base of the tongue and tonsils, is commonly called throat cancer. Throat cancer often develops from squamous cells (flat, thin, scale-like cells) on the moist tissue lining the larynx, pharynx or mouth.

After a diagnosis of throat cancer is made and the stage (extent) of the cancer determined, your doctor will suggest treatment options which may include surgery. Minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery is one of the surgical options available to remove the cancer and prevent it from spreading.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system helps your doctor perform this precise, delicate operation through a few tiny incisions with enhanced vision, dexterity and control. Robotic-assisted surgery is most effective for early to moderate stages of cancer.

Complete removal of cancerous tissue with robotic-assisted surgery may reduce the risk of cancer returning, and reduce or eliminate the need for chemoradiation after surgery. Research shows that reducing your exposure to chemoradiation can dramatically improve your ability to speak and swallow, with no dependence on feeding tubes.

Benefits of robotic assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Excellent cancer control
  • Low rate of complications
  • No visible scarring or disfigurement
  • Low blood loss
  • Minimal need for tracheotomy (breathing tube)
  • Minimal need for chemoradiation therapy
  • Ability to swallow
  • Short hospital stay

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


When medication and other non-surgical treatments cannot relieve symptoms of tongue cancer, your doctor may recommend surgery.

Minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery is one surgical option to treat tongue cancer. Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system helps your doctor perform this precise, delicate operation through a few tiny incisions with enhanced vision, dexterity and control.

Complete removal of cancerous tissue with robotic-assisted surgery may reduce the risk of cancer returning, and reduce or eliminate the need for chemoradiation after surgery. Research shows that reducing your exposure to chemoradiation can dramatically improve your ability to speak and swallow, with no dependence on feeding tubes.

Benefits of robotic assisted over open surgery include:

  • Excellent cancer control
  • Low rate of complications
  • No visible scarring or disfigurement
  • Low blood loss
  • Minimal need for tracheotomy (breathing tube)
  • Minimal need for chemoradiation therapy
  • Ability to swallow
  • Short hospital stay

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


When medication and other non-surgical treatments cannot relieve your symptoms, surgery is often recommended for tonsil cancer.

With Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system, your doctor is able to precisely perform this delicate operation through a few tiny incision with enhanced vision, dexterity and control. Robotic-assisted surgery is especially suited for early to moderate stages of cancer.

Complete removal of cancerous tissue with robotic-assisted surgery may reduce the risk of cancer returning and reduce or eliminate the need for chemoradiation after surgery. Research shows that reducing your exposure to chemoradiation can dramatically improve your ability to speak and swallow, with no dependence on feeding tubes.

Benefits of robotic-assisted over open surgery include:

  • Excellent cancer control
  • Low rate of complications
  • No visible scarring or disfigurement
  • Low blood loss
  • Minimal need for tracheotomy (breathing tube)
  • Minimal need for chemoradiation therapy
  • Ability to swallow
  • Short hospital stay

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


One of the most common conditions affecting the kidneys is urinary obstruction. After the kidneys make urine, the urine is collected in the central part of the kidney call the renal pelvis. The urine then passes into the kidney tube called the ureter and flows down into the bladder where it is stored until elimination. When a blockage between the renal pelvis and ureter occurs, it is called ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction. This blockage may have occurred before birth or may develop over time. Repair of the UPJ is called a pyeloplasty.

Pyeloplasty can be performed in children and adults with robotic-assisted surgery with more precision than conventional instrumentation allows. With Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system, your doctor is able to perform a precise operation through a few tiny incisions with enhanced vision, dexterity and control.

During a pyeloplasty, the surgeon reconstructs or revises the renal pelvis to drain and decompress the kidney. Most commonly the surgery is performed to treat an UPJ if renal function is adequate. The surgeon removes the blocked area and re-constructs a new conduit using the tissue of the remaining ureter and renal pelvis.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Fewer transfusions
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Less scarring
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Shorter recovery time
  • Better clinical outcomes, in many cases

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


After the kidneys make urine, the urine passes down a tube called the ureter to the bladder where it is stored until elimination. The place where the ureter inserts into the bladder is called the ureterovesical junction. Sometimes this junction does not form properly before birth and, as a result, urine travels back up toward the kidney instead of down and out of the bladder as the bladder squeezes and tries to empty. This is called vesicoureteral reflux and is often diagnosed in childhood after recurrent urinary tract infections or kidney infections.

Surgical repair may be necessary if long-term antibiotics or bladder injections are ineffective. This surgery is called ureteral reimplantation and in appropriate patients can be performed as a minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery.

Ureteral reimplantation may be required in adults for reasons other than reflux. The ureter (kidney tube) may be damaged during another surgery in the belly. If the ureter is damaged, it may be possible to reattach the ureter to the bladder with ureteral reimplantation.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® robotic surgical system allows your doctor to perform a precise, minimally invasive procedure through a few tiny incisions with enhanced vision, dexterity and control.

Benefits of robotic-assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Fewer transfusions
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Less scarring
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Shorter recovery time
  • Better clinical outcomes, in many cases

Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.


Each year, 42,000 women In the United States are diagnosed with uterine cancer, the most common malignancy of the female genital tract and the fourth most common cancer in women.

Uterine cancer forms in tissues of the uterus and can appear in cells lining the uterus (endometrium) and in muscle or other tissues in the uterus (uterine sarcoma).

While there are a range of non-invasive treatment options to relieve symptoms of benign conditions or to slow the growth of gynecologic cancers, surgery remains the accepted and most effective treatment option for a range of gynecologic conditions.

Fortunately, minimally invasive robotic surgical options can effectively treat gynecological conditions and help overcome the limitations of traditional open surgery and a large incision. Robotic-assisted surgery can be used to perform a hysterectomy, one of the treatment options for uterine cancer.

Inova's state-of-the-art da Vinci® surgical system provides your doctor with enhanced vision, dexterity, control and precision as the surgery is performed through a few tiny incisions.

Benefits of robotic assisted surgery over open surgery include:

  • Less pain
  • Fewer complications
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Low risk of wound infection
  • Quicker recovery and return to normal activities

    Talk with your surgeon about whether robotic-assisted surgery is an option for you. Or call 1-855-My-Inova (1-855-694-6682) for a referral to one of our da Vinci robotic surgical specialists.
