Welcome to Inova Urogynecology in Leesburg, Virginia! As gynecology subspecialists we treat pelvic floor problems that can cause women pain or significantly limit activities and enjoyment in their daily lives. Our physician specialists are board certified in urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery. We treat women from all over the mid-Atlantic region and beyond who come to us for specialized care.
- Urinary incontinence (leaking or loss of bladder control)
- Overactive bladder
- Stress incontinence
- Voiding dysfunction (inability to urinate or difficulty urinating)
- Pelvic organ prolapse, including:
- Cystocele (dropped bladder)
- Rectocele (dropped rectum)
- Uterine prolapse (dropped uterus)
- Vaginal vault prolapse (dropped vagina after hysterectomy)
- Enterocele (dropped small intestine)
- Defecatory dysfunction
- Fecal incontinence (loss of bowel control)
- Constipation
- Urodynamics
- 3D transperineal ultrasounds
- Bladder irrigations
- Cystoscopies
- PTNS- Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation
- Pelvic Floor Botox®
Surgical procedures are performed at Inova Loudoun Hospital.
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