Restoring daily life post-stroke

Our inpatient rehabilitation locations offer access to excellent nursing and therapy teams, rehabilitation doctors, neuropsychologists, hospitalists, other medical specialists, dialysis care, oncology care, imaging, and state-of-the-art equipment.

Stroke rehabilitation program offerings 
  • At Inova’s inpatient rehabilitation facilities, we are proud of our interdisciplinary approach to care. Our specialized program includes: 
  • Board-certified physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors 
  • Individually tailored therapy sessions including physical, occupational, speech and recreational therapy 
  • Individualized family education and training sessions 
  • Rehabilitation kitchen and training bathroom 
  • Expansive treatment spaces including simulated home and community environments to build the skills and confidence needed to resume your daily life 
  • Expert education and guidance on obtaining recommended equipment to ensure safe transition to your home 
  • Home assessments and guidance on home modifications as needed 
  • Group education sessions involving you and your loved ones 
  • Neuropsychologist counseling to support you in your recovery 
  • A peer mentor support group that gives you the opportunity to talk with someone who has been through this experience before 
  • Dedicated nursing care and education to help monitor healing 
  • Specialized wound care nursing team 
  • Custom wheelchair evaluations based on individual needs 
  • Dietitian on site to educate on nutritional needs 
  • Hospital specialists on site including, but not limited to, internal medicine, neurology, infectious disease and cardiology to help manage your care 
  • Recreational therapy with opportunities to engage in music therapy, gardening, animal-assisted therapy, leisure activities and hobbies, and individualized outings for community reentry 
  • Adapted yoga classes and Healing Touch sessions tailored to your needs 
  • Vestibular specialists to help treat any new or chronic symptoms of dizziness and vertigo 
  • Serial casting and splinting services to manage or prevent range of motion loss in the join
  • Comprehensive spasticity management to improve comfort and function

Technology and treatment approaches

Inova’s inpatient rehabilitation program offers state-of-the art technologies and treatment approaches to assist you in achieving your goals. Our highly skilled clinicians use technology to improve your function. Some of our specialized equipment and treatment approaches include:

  • High-tech speech generating communication devices (alternative augmentative communication) 
  • Biofeedback swallowing therapy with Synchrony 
  • Research-based, high-intensity gait training program to encourage return of movement and leg function (focus on walking earlier and more) 
  • X-ray and fiber optic endoscopic swallowing tests 
  • Specialty treadmills with body-weight-supporting harness systems, overhead-harness walking tracks and an exoskeleton to help you walk (Woodway LokoStation, LiteGait, ZeroG Gait and Balance System, Ekso Indego®) 
  • Ceiling-mounted, body-weight-supporting harness for walking therapy (ZeroG) 
  • Rehabilitation kitchen and training bathroom 
  • Robotic-assisted therapy for the arm to improve strength and coordination (Bionik InMotion®, Hocoma Armeo®Spring) 
  • Computerized task-oriented training system to help improve arm and hand function (Saebo ReJoyce) 
  • Electrical stimulation to help move your arms and legs (Bioness H200®, Bioness L300®, Xcite and RT300 bikes) 
  • Computer-based visual and balance training systems (BITS) 
  • Neuro-optometry consults and interventions to address vision changes 
  • Specialized nonmedication-based pain management techniques such as dry needling, Healing Touch and adaptive yoga to reduce your pain and improve your abilities (in addition to pharmaceutical pain management)

Experience, training and specialty certifications

  • Board-certified physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians (physiatrists) 
  • Rehabilitation clinical specialists in physical, occupational and speech therapy 
  • American Physical Therapy Association board-certified neurologic clinical specialists 
  • Certified stroke rehabilitation specialists 
  • Certified brain injury specialist therapists 
  • Neurologic specialist certified therapists 
  • Custom wheelchair clinic with assistive technology professionals and seating and mobility specialists 
  • Certified rehabilitation registered nurses 
  • Endoscopic and radiology-based swallow exam certified specialists 
  • Trained geriatric resource nurses 
  • Nursing Magnet designation 
  • Rehabilitation nursing fellowship program 
  • Therapists with American Occupational Therapy Association board certification in physical rehabilitation 
  • Certified wound ostomy and continence nurses

Continuum of care 

'At Inova, we are committed to providing a seamless continuum of care. Your expert team will care for you from the moment you first come into the hospital throughout your inpatient stay, as well as when you return as an outpatient for neurologic rehabilitation. When you are ready to leave the hospital, your case manager will work with you to arrange therapy in your home or in one of our specialized neurologic-based outpatient therapy locations.