Inova’s inpatient rehabilitation program offers state-of-the art technologies and treatment approaches to assist you in achieving your goals. Our highly skilled clinicians use technology to improve your function. Some of our specialized equipment and treatment approaches include:
- High-tech speech generating communication devices (alternative augmentative communication)
- Biofeedback swallowing therapy with Synchrony
- Research-based, high-intensity gait training program to encourage return of movement and leg function (focus on walking earlier and more)
- X-ray and fiber optic endoscopic swallowing tests
- Specialty treadmills with body-weight-supporting harness systems, overhead-harness walking tracks and an exoskeleton to help you walk (Woodway LokoStation, LiteGait, ZeroG Gait and Balance System, Ekso Indego®)
- Ceiling-mounted, body-weight-supporting harness for walking therapy (ZeroG)
- Rehabilitation kitchen and training bathroom
- Robotic-assisted therapy for the arm to improve strength and coordination (Bionik InMotion®, Hocoma Armeo®Spring)
- Computerized task-oriented training system to help improve arm and hand function (Saebo ReJoyce)
- Electrical stimulation to help move your arms and legs (Bioness H200®, Bioness L300®, Xcite and RT300 bikes)
- Computer-based visual and balance training systems (BITS)
- Neuro-optometry consults and interventions to address vision changes
- Specialized nonmedication-based pain management techniques such as dry needling, Healing Touch and adaptive yoga to reduce your pain and improve your abilities (in addition to pharmaceutical pain management)